فاتح سا

member code: 1632
Brand name: FATEHSA
Company description: شرکت فاتح سازندگی در سال 1375 تأسیس و در زمینه ی تجهیزات مخابراتی فعالیت خود را آغاز نموده و طی 19 سال تلاش بی وقفه توانست با فراهم آوردن کادر مجرب مهندسی خود نسبت به تأمین تجهیزات مخابراتی مختلف از منابع خارجی معتبر و ارائه خدمات مهندسی برای بخشهای دولتی و صنعتی منشاء اثر باشد

Account type: Supplier and Buyer
Business type: Manufacturer   Trading company  
Main markets: داخل
profile visit count: 528

Communication with the company فاتح سا
0098**********[show completely]
Islamic Republic of Iran
Language spoken: Persian
Responsible for communicate: FATEHSA
آدرس: بلوار آفریقا - خیابان والی نژاد - پ 1 برج افرا - واحد1064

Potential buyers of your products

گروه صنعتی اتحاد

member code: 5476
0098**********-**************-**************[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Needed products: فلزات  |  آلیاژ  |  لوله
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: داخلی
Language spoken: Persian English

Pars Eltek energy Co

member code: 900
9821********[show completely]
Business type: Trading company
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Language spoken: Persian English

Eamen Tablo Co.

member code: 887
9821*****[show completely]
Needed products: لامپ های (LED)  |  دینام  |  سیم و کابل
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: Iran
Language spoken: Persian

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فن آوری ارتباطات همگرا

member code: 13244
0098**********-**[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

فراز نامور مبین

member code: 13242
0098**********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

مکث الکترونیک طوس

member code: 12500
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

فوژان تل

member code: 12489
0098**********-**********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

ایمن شبکه هوشمند

member code: 11991
0098**********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

طرح و توسعه آرتنوس

member code: 11983
0098**********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

آرمان تلکام

member code: 11977
0098**********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

ساعیان ارتباط

member code: 11960
0098*******[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

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